Monday, 9 April 2012

A belated Happy Easter to all! 

Lucy's been killing it again. I told you in my last post that there was a chance she would be tried off CPAP to see how she went. Well, she got down to the required PEEP of 5 cm H2O and maintained good sats during the week, so they gave her a go on Easter Saturday - and she lasted the whole hour! Now, just two days later, they've got her on a cycle involving 6 hours of CPAP followed by 3 hours of breathing with just an extra dash of oxygen. So the top picture is what she wears during the CPAP hours, and the bottom one is her with just the nasal prongs:

Now, the more observant of the readership will recognise the other major change during the past week. Compare both of the above pics to the older ones and you'll get it.

Got it? Yeah?

That's right - Lucy's earnt her way out of the humidicrib and into a normal looking cot. Here's a wider shot:

Added to all these little gems of info is that she's knocking on the door of the 2-k-g club, weighing 1940 grams this morning. So all in all it's been another good week!

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